









一点目は、1910年に鉄道王・鉄鋼王として一世を風靡したA.カーネギーによって設立されたカーネギー国際平和財団(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)の第一次世界大戦に関する経済・社会研究の叢書であります。全167冊からなる膨大な叢書です。主編はShotwell Collectionと呼ばれる物で、カナダ生まれのコロンビア大学教授:James Thomas Shotwell氏(1874-1965)が1917年同財団の責任者になって出版された物であります。彼につきましては長文のWikipediaによる記載がございますのでご参照下さい。



Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


全167冊中161冊在庫   特価一括で  ¥1,300,000.-(税別)

(戦争経済研究予備叢書 全26冊中22冊在庫)  含む


including the forerunner:

Preliminary Economic Studies of the War

(戦争経済研究予備叢書 全26冊中22冊在庫)

Edited by David Kinley
22 Volumes (of 26)


The Division proposed at once to adjust the program of its researches to the new and altered problems which the war presented. These were of immediate and transcendent importance. The costs, direct and indirect, of the conflict, the commercial policies induced by it and the direct control exercised by governments in many spheres of economic activity where formerly competition and individual freedom held sway offered phenomena that called, before almost all others, for scientific study. At the suggestion of the Director a plan was drawn up by the present General Editor in which it was proposed by means of an historical survey to attempt to measure the economic cost of the war and the displacement which it was causing in the processes of civilization.

During the actual progress of the war, however, the execution of this plan for scientific and objective study of war economics proved impossible in any large and authoritative way and it became desirable that a series of shorter preliminary studies should be prepared dealing with topics of immediate importance in connection with the war. Under the supervision of Dr. Kinley, of the University of Illinois, member the Committee of Research, plans for such a series were made during the summer of 1917. This series was intended, as its name implies, to furnish such facts and analyses of conditions as were possible during the war and until the “ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR” could be undertaken and brought to completion. A list of the publications issued under the series will be found here.

1) Shortt, Adam;  Early Economic Effect of the European War upon Canada.
2) Rowe, L.S.; Early Economic Effects of the European War upon the Finance, Commerce, and Industry of Chile.
3) Dixon, Frank H.; War Administration of the Railways in the United States and Great Britain.
4) Andrews, rene Osgood;  Economic Effects of the World War upon Women and Children in Great Britain.
*5) Bogart, Ernest L.;  Direct Cost of the Present War.
6) Gephart,Wm.F.;  Effects of the War upon Insurance with special Reference to the Substitution of Insurance for Pensions.
7) McVey, Frank L.; The Financial History of Great Britain, 1914-1918.
8) Fairlie, John A.;  British War Administration.
9) Smith, J.Russell; Influence of the Great War upon Shipping.
10) Carver, T.Nixon; War Thrift.
11) Hibbard, Benjamin H.; Effects of the Great War upon Agriculture in the United States and Great Britain.
12) Devine, Edward T.; Disabled Soldiers and Sailors — Pensions and Training.
13) Carver, T.Nixon; Government Control of the Liguor Business in Great Britain & the United States.
14) Hammond. M.B.; British Labour Conditions & Legislation during the War.
15) Anderson (Jr.),M.B.; Effects of the War on Money, Credit & Banking in France and the United States.
16) Scott, Emmett J.;  Negro Migration during the War.
17) Rowe, L.S.; Early Effects of the War upon the Finance, Commerce & Industry of Peru.
18) Baker, Charles Whiting; Government Control & Operation of Industry in Great Britain and the United States during the  World      War.
19) Litman, Simon; Prices and Price Control in Great Britan and the United States during the World War.
*20) Duggan, Stephen Pierce.; The Relation of the Economic & Social Conditions in Southeastern Europe and in Alsace-Lorrarine to Conditions of Peace.
21) Coffey,D.; The Cooperative Movement in Jugoslavia, Rumania & North Italy.
*22) Abbott,Edith; The Effects of the War on Pauperism,Crime & Programs of Social Welfare.
23) Gide, Charles; Effects of the War upon French Economic Life.
24) Bogart, Ernest L.; Direct & Indirect Costs of the Great World War.
25) Crowell, J.Franklin; Government War Contracts.
*26) Kayden, E.M.; Cooperative Movement in Russia.
remarks:: *印は欠号です


Economic & Social History of the World War


Edited by James T. Shotwell
139 Volumes (of 141) plus Preliminary Economic Studies of the War 22 vols.

Total 161 Volumes (of 167)



In 1919 the present Director of the Division of Economics & History was appointed General Editor of the proposed Economic & Social History of the World War and, as soon as he was released from his duties as a member of the American delegation at the Peace Conference at Paris, he developed the plans for the History along the lines which have been subsequently realized. A final conference of the Committee of Research was held at Paris in September, 1919, where the deliberations were limited to the discussion of the important series of short preliminary surveys of special problems then confronting Europe, which series has been described above. The Committee of Research was then dissolved and replaced by Editorial Committees or Editors appointed by the General Editor in the various countries concerned. The first tast was naturally the preservation of the necessary documentary material. Much of this, owing to the exigencies of war, would have been destroyed or rendered difficult of access had it not been for the efforts of those associated with this History. Guides to materials and descriptions of archives have been prepared wherever necessary. The body of the work, however, consists of monographs written by those directly in touch with the subjects treated, either as wartime administrating or as privileged observers who could not only procure but interpret as well the document bases of the History. The work itself, therefore, par takes to some extent of the dual nature of personal memoirs and of official or authoritative documentation. In view of this fact, it does not attempt to make a complete survey but is so articulated with official and other publications as to deal mainly with those effects of the war which are not adequately covered elsewhere.

The change in the character of the work of the Division proceeded rapidly. The Editorial Committee appointed were composed of men who possessed the highest personal qualification for the service which they undertook to render, and probably no historical work has ever included so eminent and highly qualified a body of writers. Some one hundred and fifty volumes were published. While the primary interest of the History is scientific, its ultimate purpose is to further peace by revealing what war does to civilization. The processes of economic & history with which it deals are not incidental and temporary; on the contrary, they are fundamental and constant. But this means, as well, that they are slow and hard to change. As Mr. Elihu Root once said in another connection, “We are dealing with aptitudes and impulses firmly established in human nature through the development of thousands of years, and the utmost that any one generation can hope to do is to promote the gradual change of standards of conduct. All estimates of such a work and its result must be in terms not of individual human life, but in terms of the long life of nations. Inconspicuous as are the immediate results, however, there can be no nobler object of human effort than to exercise an influence upon the tendencies of the race, so that it shall move, however slowly, in the direction of civilization and humanity and away from senseless brutality.”

On January 4, 1924, the first Director of the Division of Economics and History, Dr. John Bates Clark, resigned, and Professor James T. Shotwell was appointed Director. Under his direction, the Economic and Social History of the World War, of which he continued to be General Editor, was brought to a conclusion and the program of the Division was shifted from a study of the problems of war to those of peace. The monographs which have been prepared in recent years have been of two kinds: separate studies and cooperative series of studies dealing with major problems and events.


GENERAL STUDIES: 1 vol. by Yale Univ. Press
Mitrany, D.; 1 vol. The Effect of the War in Southeastern Europe. 1936
SUPPLEMENTARY VOLUMES: 2 vols. by Yale Univ. Press
*Dearle,N.H.; The Labour Cost of the World War to Great Britain 1914-22 1940 Grebler,L. and Winkler, W.; the Cost of the World War to Germany and to Austria-Hungary. 1940
Auge-Laribe, M. and Pinot,P.; Agriculture and Food Supply in France during the War. 1927
Fontaine,A.; The French Industry during the War. 1926
Gratz,G. and Schueller R.; The Economic Policy of Austria-Hungary during the War in its External Relations. 1922
Harmaja,L.; Effects of the War on Economic and Social Life in Finland. 1923
Heckscher,F.F. and others; Norway, Denmark and Iceland in the World War. 1930
Jeze, G. and Truchy,H.; the War Finance of France. 1927
Redlich, J.; Austrian War Government. 1929
Renouvin,.; The Forms of War Government in France. 1929
AMERICANN SERIES: 3 Vols. by Yale Univ. Press
Clarke, J.M.; The Costs of the World War to the American People. 1931
Hines, W.D.; War history of American Railroad. 1928
Leland,W.G. and Mereness,N.D.; Intropruction to the American Official Sources for the Economic and Social History of the World War. 1926
AUSTRIAN AND HUNGARIAN SERIES: 14 Vols. in 15 von Holder-Pichler-Tempsky stereichische und Ungarische Schriftleitung von: Fr.Wieser; D.R.Riedl; R.Schueller; G.Gratz und C.Pirquet
Enderes,B. und Ratzenhofer,E.; Verkehrswesen im Kriege. 1931
Exner,F.; Krieg und Kriminalitaet in Oesterreich. 1927
Gratz,G. und Schueller,R.; Der wirtschaftliche Zusammenbruch oesterreich= ungerns. 1930
Gratz,G. und Schueller,R.; Die aeussere Wirtschafspolitik oesterreich=ungarns mitteleuropar ische Plaene. 1925
Hanusch,F. und Adler,E.; Die Regelung der Arbeitsverhaeltnisse im Krieg. 1927
Homann=Her imberg,E.; Die Kohlenversorgung in Oestereich waehrend des Krieges 1925
Kerchnawe,H. und anderes; Die Militaerverwaltung in den von den oesterreich= ischen ungerischen Truppen besetzen Gebieten. 1928
Loewenfeld=Russ,H.; Die Regelung der Volksernaehrung im Kriege. 1926
Pirquest,C.; Volksgesundheit im Kriege. 2 Bde. 1926
Popovics,A.; Das Geldwesen im Kriege. 1925
Redlich,J.; Oesterreichische Regierung und Verwaltung im Weltkriege. 1925
Riedl,R.; Die Industrie oesterreichs waehrend des Krieges. 1932
Spann,O.; Bibliographie der Wirtschafts=und Sozial=geschichte des Welt= krieges. 1923
Winkler,W.; Die Einkommensverschiebungen in oesterreich waehrend des Welt= krieges. 1930
SERIE BELGE: 7 Vols. Par Les Presses Univ. de France
de Kerchove,C.; L’Industrie belge pendant l ‘occupation allemande,1914-1918 1927
Henry,a.; Ravitaillement de la Belgique pendant l’occupation allemand. 1924
Mahaim,E.; Le Secours de chomage en Belgique pendant l’occupation allemand. 1927
Paseelecq,F.; Deportation et travail force des ouvriers et de la population civile de la Belgique Occupee. 1929
Pirenne.H.; La Belgique de la guerre mondiale. 1930
Pirenne,J. et Vauther,M.; La Legislation et l’administration allemandes en Belgique. 1926
Van Langenhove,F.; L’Action du gouvernement belge en matiere economcique pendant la guerre. 1927
BRITISH SERIES: 24 Vols. by Oxford Univ. Press
British Editorial Board – Sir W.H.Beveridge (Chairman); H.W.C.Davis; C.K.Gonner; F.W.Hirst; Th.Jones; J.M.Keynes; W.R.Scott
Beveridge,Sir W.; British Food Control. 1928
Bowley,A.L.; Prices and Wages in the United Kingdon,1914-1920. 1921
Bulkley,M.E.; Bibliographical Survey of Contemporary Sources. 1922
Cole,G.D.H.; Trade Unionism and Munitions. 1923
Cole,G.D.H.; Workshop Organization. 1923
Cole,G.D.H.; Labour in the Coal-Mining Industry. 1923
Dearle,N.B.; An Economic Chronicle of the Great War for Great Britain and Ireland, 1914-1919. 1929
Dearle,N.B.; Dictionary of Official War-Time Organizations. 1928
Fayle,C.E.; The War and the Shipping Industry. 1927
Hall,H.; British Archives and the Sources for the History of the World War. 1925
Henderson,H.D.; The Cotton Control Board. 1922
Hill,Sir N and others; War and Insurance. 1927
Hirst,F.W. and Allen,J.E.; British War Budgets. 1926
Hirst,F.W.; The Consequences of the War to Great Britain. 1934
Jenkinson,H.; Manual of Archive Administration. 1922
Jones,D.T. and others; Rural Scotland during the War. 1926
Keith,A.B.; War Government of the British Dominions. 1921
Lloyd,E.M.H.; Experiments in State Control. 1924
Middleton,Sir T.H.; Food Production in War. 1923
Redmayne,R.A.S.; The British Coal-Mining Industry during the War. 1923
Salter,Sir J.A.; Allied Shipping Control1 An Experiment in International Administration. 1921
Scott,W.R. and Cunnison,J; The Industries of the Clyde Valley during the War. 1924
Stamp,Sir J.; Taxation during the War. 1932
Wolf,H.; Labour Supply and Regulation. 1923
BULGARIAN SERIES: 1 Vol. Par les Presses Univ.de la France
Danaillow,G.T.; Les Effets de la guerre en Bulgaire. 1932
CZECHOSLOVAK SERIES: 1 Vol. by Yale Univ. Press
*Rasin,A.; Financial Policy of Czecho-Slovakia during the first Year of its History. 1923
SERIE FRANCAISE: 37 Vols. Par les Presses Univ. de la France Histoire Economique et Sociale de la Guelle Mondiale. Cimite Francaise – Ch.Gide; A.Fontaine; H.Hauser; Ch. Rist
Aftalion,A.; L’Industrie textile en France pendant la guerre. 1924
Auge-Lariee,M; L’Agriculture pendant la guerre. 1925
Bernard,A.; L’Afrique du Nord pendant la guerre. 1927
Bernard,L.; La Defense de la sante publique pendant la guerre. 1929
Blanchard,R.; Les Forces hydro-electrique pendant la guerre. 1924
Bloch,C.; Bibliographie methodique de l’histoire economique et sociale de la France pendant la guerre. 1925
Boulin,P.; L’Organization du travail dans la region envahie de la France pendant l’occupation. 1927
Cangardel,H.; La Marine marchande Francaise et la guerre. 1927
Chardon,H.; L’Organization de la republique pour la paix. 1926
Chevalier,Le General; Les Bois d’oeuvre pendant la guerre. 1927
Clementel,E.; La France et la politique economique interalliee. 1931
Collinet,P. et Stahl,P.; Le Ravitaillle de la France occupee. 1928
Courteault,P.; La Vie economique a Bordeaux pendant la guerre. 1925
Crehange,A.; Chomage et placement. 1927
de Kerviler,G.; La Navigation interieure en France pendant la guerre. 1926
Fontaine,A.; L’Industrie francaise pendant la guerre. 1924
Frois,M.; La Sante et le travail des femmes pendant la guerre. 1926
Gide,C. et Daude-Bancel; De la lutte contre la cherte par les organizations privees. 1927
Gide,C.et Qualid,W.; Le Bilan de la guerre pour la France. 1931
Gignoux,C.J.; Bourges Pendant la guerre. 1926
Hauser,H.; Le probleme du regionalisme. 1924
Herriot,E.; Lyon pendant la guerre. 1924
Huber,M.; Population de la France pendant la guerre. 1931
Jeze,G.; Les Depenses de guerre de la France. 1926
Levainville,M.J.; Rouen pendant la guerre. 1926
Lheritier,M. et Chautemps,C.; Tours et la guerre,etudes economique et sociale. 1926
March,L.; Mouvement des prix et des salaires pendant la guerre. 1925
Masson,P.; Marseille pendant la guerre. 1926
Nogaro,B. et Weil,L.; La Main-d’oeuvre etrangere et coloniale pendant la guerre. 1924
Qualid,W. et Picquenard,C.; Salaires et tarifs. 1928
Peschaud,M.; Politique et functionnement des transports par chemin de fer pendant la guerre. 1928
Picard,R.; Le Mouvement syndical durant la guerre. 1928
Pinot,P.; Le Controle du ravitaillement de la population civile. 1925
Renouvin,P.; Les Formes du gouvernement de guerre. 1926
Sellier,H. et Bruggeman,A.; La Probleme du logement. 1927
Selller,H. et Bruggeman,A. et Poete,M.; Paris pendant la guerre. 1926
Truchy,H.; Les Finances de guerre de la France. 1926
GERMAN SERIES: 12 Vols. in 13 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt
Deutscher Herausgeberausschuss – C. Melechior (Vorbesitzer); H. Buecher; Max Sering; A. Mendelssohn; C.Duisberg
Mendelssohn,Bartholdy A.; The war and German Society: The Testament of a Liberal. 1937 (published by Yale Univ. Press).
Aereboe,F.; Der Einfluss des Krieges auf die landwirtschaftliche Produktion in Deutschland. 1927
Baumgarten,O. und andere; Geistige und sittliche Wirkungen des Krieges in Deutschland. 1927
Bumm,F.; Deutschlands gesundheitsverhaeltnisse unter dem Einfluss des Weltkrieges. 2 Vols. 1928
Goebel,O.; Deutsche Rohstoffwirtschaft im Weltkriege. 1930
Kohler,von L.F.; Die Staatsverwaltung der besetzten Gebiete: Belgien. 1927
Liepmann,M.; Krieg und Kriminalitaet in Deutschland. 1930
Lotz,W.; Die deutsche Staatsfinanzwirtschaft im Krieg. 1927
Meerwarth,R. und andere; Einwirkung des Krieges auf Bevolkerungsbewegung. Einkorrwnen und Lebenshaltung in Deutschland. 1932
Sarter,A.; Die deutschen Eisenbahnwesen im Krieg. 1930
Skalwett,A.; Die deutsche Kriegsernaehrungswirtschaft. 1927
Embreit,P. und Lorenz,C.; Der Krieg und die Arbeitsverhaeltnisse. 1929
GREEK SERIES: 1 Vol. Les Presses Univ. de la France
*Andreades,A. and others; Les Effects economique et sociaux de la guerre en Grece. 1928
ITALIAN SERIES: 7 Vols. by Gius,Laterza and Figli Comitato Italiano – Luigi Elnaudi; Pasquale Jannaccone; Umber to Ricci
*Bachi,R.; L’Alimentazione e la politica annonaria in Italia. 1926
de Stefant,A.; La Legislazione economica della guerra. 1926
Einaudi,L.; La Condotta economica e gli effetti sociali della guerra Italiana. 1927
Einaudi,L.; La Guerra e il sistema tributar io italiano. 1927
Mortara,G.; La Salute pubblica in Italia durante e dopo la guerra. 1925
*Prato,G.; Il Piemonte e gli effeti della guerra sulla sua vita economica e sociale. 1925
Serfieri,A.; La guerra e le classi rurali Italiane. 1939
JAPANESE SERIES: 2 Vols. by Yale University Press Editor in chief – Yoshio Sakatani
Kobayashi,U.; The Basic Industries and Social History of Japan.1914-1918. 1930
Yamasaki,K. and Ogawa,G.; The Effect of the World War upon the Commerce and Industry of Japan. 1929
NETHERLAND SERIES: 4 Vols. by Yale and Oxford Univ. Presses
Alting,J.H.C. and Bunning W. de C.; The Netherlands and the World War. Vol. 3 1928
Van Der Flier,M.J.; War Finances in the Netherlands up to 1918 Vol. 1 1923
Vissering,G.; Holstijn,J.W. and Bordewyk,H.W.C.; The Netherlands and the World War Vol. 4 1928
Zaalberg,C.J.P. and others; The Netherlands and the World War Vol.2 1928
POLISH SERIES: 2 Vols. Les Presses Univ. de France
*Handelsman,A. and others; La Pologne, sa vie economique et sociale pendant la guerre. Vol. 1 1933
*Handelsman,A. and others; La Pologne, sa vie economique et sociale pendant la guerre. Vol. 2 1933
RUMANIAN SERIES: 3 Vols. By Yale and les Presses Univ. de France Serie Roumaine: Directeur – Adjoint: David Mitrany
Antipa,G.; L’ ccupation ennemie de la Roumaine et ses consequences economiques et sociales. 1929
Ionesco-Sisesti,G.; L’Agriculture de la Roumainie pendant la guerre. 1929
Mitrany,D; The Land and the Peasant in Roumania.
RUSSIAN SERIES: 12 Vols. by Yale Univ. Press Russian Editorial Board: Paul Vinogradoff (Editor); Michael T. Florinsky
Antsiferov,A.N.; Bilimovich,A.D. and others; Russian Agriculture during the war. 1930
Florinsky,M.T.; The End of the Russian Empire. 1931
Golovine,N.N.; The Russian Army in the World War. 1931
Gronsky,P. and Astrov,N.J.; The War and the Russian Government. 1929
Ignatiev,Count P.N.;Odinetz,D.M. and Novgorotsev,P.J.; Russian Schools and Universities in the World War. 1929
Kayden,E.M. and Antsiferov,A.N.; The Cooperative Movement in Russia during the War. 1929
Kohn,S. and Meyendorff,Baron A.F.; The Cost of the War to Russia. 1932
Lvov,Prince G.E.; PolnerT.J.; Obolensky,Prince V.A.; Turin,S.P.; Russian Local Government during the War and the Union of Zemstvos. 1930
Michelson,A.M.; Apostol,P.N. and Bernatzky,M.W.; Russian Public Finance during the War. 1928
Nolde,Baron B.E.; Russian in the Economic War. 1928
Struve,P.B. (Editor); Food Supply in Russia during the World War. 1930
Zagorsky,S.O.; State Control of Industry in Russia during the War. 1928
SCANDINAVIAN SERIES: 4 Vols. by P.A.Norstedt & Soners For lag, by H. Aschehoug & Company and by G.E.C. Dod’s For lag.: Redaktionskomite – H. Westergaard and E.F. Heckscher
*Heckscher,E.F. and others; Bidrag till Sveriges Ekonomiska och Sociala Historia under och efter Warldskriget.
Keilhau,W.; Norge og Verdenskrigen. 1929
Cohn,E.; Danmark under Den Store Krig. 1928
Thorsteinsson,T.; Island under og after Verdenkskrigen. 1928
SERBIAN SERIES: 1 Vol. Les Presses Univ. de France
Yovanovitch,D.; Les Effects economiques et sociaux de la guerre en Serbie. 1930
TURKISH SERIES: 1 Vol. by Yale Univ. Press
Emin,A.; Turkey in the World War. 1930

remarks:: *印は欠号です

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