







Preliminary Economic Studies of the War
Economic and Social History of the World War


Division of Economic & History

Preliminary Economic Studies of the War

Edited by David Kinley

1) Shortt, Adam; Early Economic Effect of the European War upon Canada.
2) Rowe, L.S.; Early Economic Effects of the European War upon the Finance, Commerce, and Industry of Chile.
3) Dixon, Frank H.; War Administration of the Railways in the United States and Great Britain.
4) Andrews, rene Osgood; Economic Effects of the World War upon Women and Children in Great Britain.
*5) Bogart, Ernest L.; Direct Cost of the Present War.
6) Gephart,Wm.F.; Effects of the War upon Insurance with special Reference to the Substitution of Insurance for Pensions.
7) McVey, Frank L.; The Financial History of Great Britain, 1914-1918.
8) Fairlie, John A.; British War Administration.
9) Smith, J.Russell; Influence of the Great War upon Shipping.
10) Carver, T.Nixon; War Thrift.
11) Hibbard, Benjamin H.; Effects of the Great War upon Agriculture in the United States and Great Britain.
12) Devine, Edward T.; Disabled Soldiers and Sailors — Pensions and Training.
13) Carver, T.Nixon; Government Control of the Liguor Business in Great Britain & the United States.
14) Hammond. M.B.; British Labour Conditions & Legislation during the War.
15) Anderson (Jr.),M.B.; Effects of the War on Money, Credit & Banking in France and the United States.
16) Scott, Emmett J.; Negro Migration during the War.
17) Rowe, L.S.; Early Effects of the War upon the Finance, Commerce & Industry of Peru.
18) Baker, Charles Whiting; Government Control & Operation of Industry in Great Britain and the United States during the World War.
19) Litman, Simon; Prices and Price Control in Great Britan and the United States during the World War.
*20) Duggan, Stephen Pierce.; The Relation of the Economic & Social Conditions in Southeastern Europe and in Alsace-Lorrarine to Conditions of Peace.
21) Coffey,D.; The Cooperative Movement in Jugoslavia, Rumania & North Italy.
*22) Abbott,Edith; The Effects of the War on Pauperism,Crime & Programs of Social Welfare.
23) Gide, Charles; Effects of the War upon French Economic Life.
24) Bogart, Ernest L.; Direct & Indirect Costs of the Great World War.
25) Crowell, J.Franklin; Government War Contracts.
*26) Kayden, E.M.; Cooperative Movement in Russia.

remark: * is not available.

Edited by James T. Shotwell

GENERAL STUDIES: 1 vol. by Yale Univ. Press

Mitrany, D.; 1 vol. The Effect of the War in Southeastern Europe. 1936

SUPPLEMENTARY VOLUMES: 2 vols. by Yale Univ. Press

*Dearle,N.H.; The Labour Cost of the World War to Great Britain 1914-22 1940 Grebler,L. and Winkler, W.; the Cost of the World War to Germany and to Austria-Hungary. 1940


Auge-Laribe, M. and Pinot,P.; Agriculture and Food Supply in France during the War. 1927
Fontaine,A.; The French Industry during the War. 1926
Gratz,G. and Schueller R.; The Economic Policy of Austria-Hungary during the War in its External Relations. 1922
Harmaja,L.; Effects of the War on Economic and Social Life in Finland. 1923
Heckscher,F.F. and others; Norway, Denmark and Iceland in the World War. 1930
Jeze, G. and Truchy,H.; the War Finance of France. 1927
Redlich, J.; Austrian War Government. 1929
Renouvin,.; The Forms of War Government in France. 1929

AMERICANN SERIES: 3 Vols. by Yale Univ. Press

Clarke, J.M.; The Costs of the World War to the American People. 1931
Hines, W.D.; War history of American Railroad. 1928
Leland,W.G. and Mereness,N.D.; Intropruction to the American Official Sources for the Economic and Social History of the World War. 1926

AUSTRIAN AND HUNGARIAN SERIES: 14 Vols. in 15 von Holder-Pichler-Tempsky stereichische und Ungarische Schriftleitung von: Fr.Wieser; D.R.Riedl; R.Schueller; G.Gratz und C.Pirquet

Enderes,B. und Ratzenhofer,E.; Verkehrswesen im Kriege. 1931
Exner,F.; Krieg und Kriminalitaet in Oesterreich. 1927
Gratz,G. und Schueller,R.; Der wirtschaftliche Zusammenbruch oesterreich= ungerns. 1930
Gratz,G. und Schueller,R.; Die aeussere Wirtschafspolitik oesterreich=ungarns mitteleuropar ische Plaene. 1925
Hanusch,F. und Adler,E.; Die Regelung der Arbeitsverhaeltnisse im Krieg. 1927
Homann=Her imberg,E.; Die Kohlenversorgung in Oestereich waehrend des Krieges 1925
Kerchnawe,H. und anderes; Die Militaerverwaltung in den von den oesterreich= ischen ungerischen Truppen besetzen Gebieten. 1928
Loewenfeld=Russ,H.; Die Regelung der Volksernaehrung im Kriege. 1926
Pirquest,C.; Volksgesundheit im Kriege. 2 Bde. 1926
Popovics,A.; Das Geldwesen im Kriege. 1925
Redlich,J.; Oesterreichische Regierung und Verwaltung im Weltkriege. 1925
Riedl,R.; Die Industrie oesterreichs waehrend des Krieges. 1932
Spann,O.; Bibliographie der Wirtschafts=und Sozial=geschichte des Welt= krieges. 1923
Winkler,W.; Die Einkommensverschiebungen in oesterreich waehrend des Welt= krieges. 1930

SERIE BELGE: 7 Vols. Par Les Presses Univ. de France

de Kerchove,C.; L’Industrie belge pendant l ‘occupation allemande,1914-1918 1927
Henry,a.; Ravitaillement de la Belgique pendant l’occupation allemand. 1924
Mahaim,E.; Le Secours de chomage en Belgique pendant l’occupation allemand. 1927
Paseelecq,F.; Deportation et travail force des ouvriers et de la population civile de la Belgique Occupee. 1929
Pirenne.H.; La Belgique de la guerre mondiale. 1930
Pirenne,J. et Vauther,M.; La Legislation et l’administration allemandes en Belgique. 1926
Van Langenhove,F.; L’Action du gouvernement belge en matiere economcique pendant la guerre. 1927

BRITISH SERIES: 24 Vols. by Oxford Univ. Press

British Editorial Board – Sir W.H.Beveridge (Chairman); H.W.C.Davis; C.K.Gonner; F.W.Hirst; Th.Jones; J.M.Keynes; W.R.Scott
Beveridge,Sir W.; British Food Control. 1928
Bowley,A.L.; Prices and Wages in the United Kingdon,1914-1920. 1921
Bulkley,M.E.; Bibliographical Survey of Contemporary Sources. 1922
Cole,G.D.H.; Trade Unionism and Munitions. 1923
Cole,G.D.H.; Workshop Organization. 1923
Cole,G.D.H.; Labour in the Coal-Mining Industry. 1923
Dearle,N.B.; An Economic Chronicle of the Great War for Great Britain and Ireland, 1914-1919. 1929
Dearle,N.B.; Dictionary of Official War-Time Organizations. 1928
Fayle,C.E.; The War and the Shipping Industry. 1927
Hall,H.; British Archives and the Sources for the History of the World War. 1925
Henderson,H.D.; The Cotton Control Board. 1922
Hill,Sir N and others; War and Insurance. 1927
Hirst,F.W. and Allen,J.E.; British War Budgets. 1926
Hirst,F.W.; The Consequences of the War to Great Britain. 1934
Jenkinson,H.; Manual of Archive Administration. 1922
Jones,D.T. and others; Rural Scotland during the War. 1926
Keith,A.B.; War Government of the British Dominions. 1921
Lloyd,E.M.H.; Experiments in State Control. 1924
Middleton,Sir T.H.; Food Production in War. 1923
Redmayne,R.A.S.; The British Coal-Mining Industry during the War. 1923
Salter,Sir J.A.; Allied Shipping Control1 An Experiment in International Administration. 1921
Scott,W.R. and Cunnison,J; The Industries of the Clyde Valley during the War. 1924
Stamp,Sir J.; Taxation during the War. 1932
Wolf,H.; Labour Supply and Regulation. 1923
BULGARIAN SERIES: 1 Vol. Par les Presses Univ.de la France
Danaillow,G.T.; Les Effets de la guerre en Bulgaire. 1932
CZECHOSLOVAK SERIES: 1 Vol. by Yale Univ. Press
*Rasin,A.; Financial Policy of Czecho-Slovakia during the first Year of its History. 1923

SERIE FRANCAISE: 37 Vols. Par les Presses Univ. de la France Histoire Economique et Sociale de la Guelle Mondiale. Cimite Francaise – Ch.Gide; A.Fontaine; H.Hauser; Ch. Rist

Aftalion,A.; L’Industrie textile en France pendant la guerre. 1924
Auge-Lariee,M; L’Agriculture pendant la guerre. 1925
Bernard,A.; L’Afrique du Nord pendant la guerre. 1927
Bernard,L.; La Defense de la sante publique pendant la guerre. 1929
Blanchard,R.; Les Forces hydro-electrique pendant la guerre. 1924
Bloch,C.; Bibliographie methodique de l’histoire economique et sociale de la France pendant la guerre. 1925
Boulin,P.; L’Organization du travail dans la region envahie de la France pendant l’occupation. 1927
Cangardel,H.; La Marine marchande Francaise et la guerre. 1927
Chardon,H.; L’Organization de la republique pour la paix. 1926
Chevalier,Le General; Les Bois d’oeuvre pendant la guerre. 1927
Clementel,E.; La France et la politique economique interalliee. 1931
Collinet,P. et Stahl,P.; Le Ravitaillle de la France occupee. 1928
Courteault,P.; La Vie economique a Bordeaux pendant la guerre. 1925
Crehange,A.; Chomage et placement. 1927
de Kerviler,G.; La Navigation interieure en France pendant la guerre. 1926
Fontaine,A.; L’Industrie francaise pendant la guerre. 1924
Frois,M.; La Sante et le travail des femmes pendant la guerre. 1926
Gide,C. et Daude-Bancel; De la lutte contre la cherte par les organizations privees. 1927
Gide,C.et Qualid,W.; Le Bilan de la guerre pour la France. 1931
Gignoux,C.J.; Bourges Pendant la guerre. 1926
Hauser,H.; Le probleme du regionalisme. 1924
Herriot,E.; Lyon pendant la guerre. 1924
Huber,M.; Population de la France pendant la guerre. 1931
Jeze,G.; Les Depenses de guerre de la France. 1926
Levainville,M.J.; Rouen pendant la guerre. 1926
Lheritier,M. et Chautemps,C.; Tours et la guerre,etudes economique et sociale. 1926
March,L.; Mouvement des prix et des salaires pendant la guerre. 1925
Masson,P.; Marseille pendant la guerre. 1926
Nogaro,B. et Weil,L.; La Main-d’oeuvre etrangere et coloniale pendant la guerre. 1924
Qualid,W. et Picquenard,C.; Salaires et tarifs. 1928
Peschaud,M.; Politique et functionnement des transports par chemin de fer pendant la guerre. 1928
Picard,R.; Le Mouvement syndical durant la guerre. 1928
Pinot,P.; Le Controle du ravitaillement de la population civile. 1925
Renouvin,P.; Les Formes du gouvernement de guerre. 1926
Sellier,H. et Bruggeman,A.; La Probleme du logement. 1927
Selller,H. et Bruggeman,A. et Poete,M.; Paris pendant la guerre. 1926
Truchy,H.; Les Finances de guerre de la France. 1926

GERMAN SERIES: 12 Vols. in 13 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt

Deutscher Herausgeberausschuss – C. Melechior (Vorbesitzer); H. Buecher; Max Sering; A. Mendelssohn; C.Duisberg
Mendelssohn,Bartholdy A.; The war and German Society: The Testament of a Liberal. 1937 (published by Yale Univ. Press).
Aereboe,F.; Der Einfluss des Krieges auf die landwirtschaftliche Produktion in Deutschland. 1927
Baumgarten,O. und andere; Geistige und sittliche Wirkungen des Krieges in Deutschland. 1927
Bumm,F.; Deutschlands gesundheitsverhaeltnisse unter dem Einfluss des Weltkrieges. 2 Vols. 1928
Goebel,O.; Deutsche Rohstoffwirtschaft im Weltkriege. 1930
Kohler,von L.F.; Die Staatsverwaltung der besetzten Gebiete: Belgien. 1927
Liepmann,M.; Krieg und Kriminalitaet in Deutschland. 1930
Lotz,W.; Die deutsche Staatsfinanzwirtschaft im Krieg. 1927
Meerwarth,R. und andere; Einwirkung des Krieges auf Bevolkerungsbewegung. Einkorrwnen und Lebenshaltung in Deutschland. 1932
Sarter,A.; Die deutschen Eisenbahnwesen im Krieg. 1930
Skalwett,A.; Die deutsche Kriegsernaehrungswirtschaft. 1927
Embreit,P. und Lorenz,C.; Der Krieg und die Arbeitsverhaeltnisse. 1929

GREEK SERIES: 1 Vol. Les Presses Univ. de la France

*Andreades,A. and others; Les Effects economique et sociaux de la guerre en Grece. 1928

ITALIAN SERIES: 7 Vols. by Gius,Laterza and Figli Comitato Italiano – Luigi Elnaudi; Pasquale Jannaccone; Umber to Ricci

*Bachi,R.; L’Alimentazione e la politica annonaria in Italia. 1926
de Stefant,A.; La Legislazione economica della guerra. 1926
Einaudi,L.; La Condotta economica e gli effetti sociali della guerra Italiana. 1927
Einaudi,L.; La Guerra e il sistema tributar io italiano. 1927
Mortara,G.; La Salute pubblica in Italia durante e dopo la guerra. 1925
*Prato,G.; Il Piemonte e gli effeti della guerra sulla sua vita economica e sociale. 1925
Serfieri,A.; La guerra e le classi rurali Italiane. 1939

JAPANESE SERIES: 2 Vols. by Yale University Press Editor in chief – Yoshio Sakatani

Kobayashi,U.; The Basic Industries and Social History of Japan.1914-1918. 1930
Yamasaki,K. and Ogawa,G.; The Effect of the World War upon the Commerce and Industry of Japan. 1929

NETHERLAND SERIES: 4 Vols. by Yale and Oxford Univ. Presses

Alting,J.H.C. and Bunning W. de C.; The Netherlands and the World War. Vol. 3 1928
Van Der Flier,M.J.; War Finances in the Netherlands up to 1918 Vol. 1 1923
Vissering,G.; Holstijn,J.W. and Bordewyk,H.W.C.; The Netherlands and the World War Vol. 4 1928
Zaalberg,C.J.P. and others; The Netherlands and the World War Vol.2 1928

POLISH SERIES: 2 Vols. Les Presses Univ. de France

*Handelsman,A. and others; La Pologne, sa vie economique et sociale pendant la guerre. Vol. 1 1933
*Handelsman,A. and others; La Pologne, sa vie economique et sociale pendant la guerre. Vol. 2 1933

RUMANIAN SERIES: 3 Vols. By Yale and les Presses Univ. de France Serie Roumaine: Directeur – Adjoint: David Mitrany

Antipa,G.; L’ ccupation ennemie de la Roumaine et ses consequences economiques et sociales. 1929
Ionesco-Sisesti,G.; L’Agriculture de la Roumainie pendant la guerre. 1929
Mitrany,D; The Land and the Peasant in Roumania.

RUSSIAN SERIES: 12 Vols. by Yale Univ. Press Russian Editorial Board: Paul Vinogradoff (Editor); Michael T. Florinsky

Antsiferov,A.N.; Bilimovich,A.D. and others; Russian Agriculture during the war. 1930
Florinsky,M.T.; The End of the Russian Empire. 1931
Golovine,N.N.; The Russian Army in the World War. 1931
Gronsky,P. and Astrov,N.J.; The War and the Russian Government. 1929
Ignatiev,Count P.N.;Odinetz,D.M. and Novgorotsev,P.J.; Russian Schools and Universities in the World War. 1929
Kayden,E.M. and Antsiferov,A.N.; The Cooperative Movement in Russia during the War. 1929
Kohn,S. and Meyendorff,Baron A.F.; The Cost of the War to Russia. 1932
Lvov,Prince G.E.; PolnerT.J.; Obolensky,Prince V.A.; Turin,S.P.; Russian Local Government during the War and the Union of Zemstvos. 1930
Michelson,A.M.; Apostol,P.N. and Bernatzky,M.W.; Russian Public Finance during the War. 1928
Nolde,Baron B.E.; Russian in the Economic War. 1928
Struve,P.B. (Editor); Food Supply in Russia during the World War. 1930
Zagorsky,S.O.; State Control of Industry in Russia during the War. 1928

SCANDINAVIAN SERIES: 4 Vols. by P.A.Norstedt & Soners For lag, by H. Aschehoug & Company and by G.E.C. Dod’s For lag.: Redaktionskomite – H. Westergaard and E.F. Heckscher

*Heckscher,E.F. and others; Bidrag till Sveriges Ekonomiska och Sociala Historia under och efter Warldskriget.
Keilhau,W.; Norge og Verdenskrigen. 1929
Cohn,E.; Danmark under Den Store Krig. 1928
Thorsteinsson,T.; Island under og after Verdenkskrigen. 1928

SERBIAN SERIES: 1 Vol. Les Presses Univ. de France

Yovanovitch,D.; Les Effects economiques et sociaux de la guerre en Serbie. 1930

TURKISH SERIES: 1 Vol. by Yale Univ. Press

Emin,A.; Turkey in the World War. 1930

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